Invincible Humility

HumilityWe all hear the term. We all know what it is. We can all spot a person who is not functioning in it. Yet none of us would consider ourselves and expert at humility. Why? Because it is uncommon in the human nature.
In order for humility to truly be understood it must be actually, physically practiced because it is totally contrary to natural human thinking.

1. Humility is not weakness.
It is controlled strength. The strongest man in the world is the one who can rule himself.
2. Humility is not a personality trait.
It is a character trait. No personality finds humility easier to practice than others. Any personality will be improved by humility and degraded by pride.
3. Humility is not lack of identity.
It is the identity of Christ within us, and flowing out of us!
4. Humility is not just the absence of pride.
It is a quality of itself that must be applied! It is far from passive or neutral; it is active and must be put on in place of pride.

Here are Seven Indisputable Facts About the Invincibility of Humility (and yes, John Maxwell called and wants his phrase back).
1. It cannot be swayed by opinion because it does not fear opinion nor care about contempt.
2. Has only one enemy – self. And no other person wishes to fight humility in you. They will only encourage it.
3. Cannot die because it is impossible to kill a corpse.
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” -Galatians 2:20
4. Has nothing to fear because it has nothing to hide.
5. Has clear battle lines. Humility will never be found in Satan’s camp and pride will never be found in God’s.
6. Always has more grace available, while pride runs grace dry.
Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for ‘GOD RESISTS THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.’” – 1 Peter 5:5
7. Cannot be conquered – it has already conquered itself and won. The definition of conquer is to bring under, to subdue. I dare you to conquer that person who has already conquered self or to subdue that who has already subdued themself.

Humility wins in the end.

One last thought…humility is the root of every virtue.
It goes hand-in-hand with trust. For humility is very like trust.
Love must be mixed with humility so that it can be true love without hypocrisy, “esteeming others as better than itself”.
Patience must have humility, because humility has no agenda and places no demands on others.
Servanthood MUST have humility to function. Humility makes itself the slave of all.
Forgiveness ALWAYS has humility involved because humility remembers where it came from and holds no one to a higher standard than itself.
And on the list goes…

Embrace humbling. “Humble yourself” – as the Bible says – “under the mighty hand of God and HE will lift you up.” And THAT is how humility becomes invincible.


Witness of Power

Witness of Power



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